Never Miss a Chance to Do the Most Good

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Never Miss a Chance to Do the Most Good

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Want to start #DoingTheMostGood?

Will you partner with us to provide warm meals, a safe place to live, rent assistance, summer camp and much more to neighbors in need?

Countless opportunities exist for volunteers within all programs The Salvation Army provides. Children, the elderly, the homeless, those in recovery, and those in transition - all need a helping hand and support from an open heart

Countless opportunities exist for volunteers within all programs The Salvation Army provides. Children, the elderly, the homeless, those in recovery, and those in transition - all need a helping hand and support from an open heart.

The Loveland Salvation Army has numerous opportunities for involvement within our community. Please contact (970) 699-8380 for additional information.

Volunteer and funding needs: 

  • Volunteer to ring bells at Christmas time!
  • Serve on The Salvation Army Advisory Board.
  • Join The Salvation Army Loveland Center's office and human services team to help provide daily assistance, referrals and support to our community members.
  • Donate funding for emergency rent assistance: $300 helps a family keep their home and not become homeless.
  • Sponsor Youth Summer Camp scholarships: $275 provides a full week of camp experience to a child from low income family. 

Our Wish List:

  • Food: non-perishable, canned food items and snacks. 
  • Hygiene items :any kind. Travel-size items work great.
  • Clothes (new, all sizes): Socks, underwear, light jackets, sweatshirts, sweat pants, T-shirts
  • Gear: Sleeping bags, blankets, back packs, water bottles. 

Other Ways We Meet Needs